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작성자 승리함성 작성일24-09-27 17:26 조회187회 댓글0건


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Park Ji-won, a lawmaker of the Democratic Party of Korea, has decided to put out 600 million won in deposits for this purpose. Actor Lee Young-ae is also said to donate 50 million won.The Kim Dae-jung Foundation held a repurchase agreement ceremony with a businessman identified only by his surname Park, who bought the former president Kim's residence at the foundation's office in Yeouido, Seoul, on the afternoon of the 26th. Bae Ki-sun, secretary-general of the Kim Dae-jung Foundation, said in a phone call, "Donggyo-dong's residence is a space with historical meaning and cultural value. I explained to Park that it should be preserved in its original form and permanently, and I agreed to this.""Park invested with a good will to preserve former President Kim's private residence, but since he is a private business, he can sell it again or lose his house if he is in a difficult situation," he said. "I will accept Lee Hee-ho's will to preserve his private residence and use it as a memorial hall."Secretary-General Bae said the foundation would buy back his private residence without harming the buyer. Former lawmaker Kim sold his house for 10 billion won in July, citing a large inheritance tax, and the Kim Dae-jung Foundation plans to pay for the repurchase through a fundraising campaign. According to the Kim Dae-jung Foundation, former President Moon Jae In and his spouse Kwon Yang-suk of former President Roh Moo Hyun have already expressed their intention to apply. Rep. Park Ji-won reportedly expressed her intention to donate 600 million won in her deposit and Lee Young-ae 50 million won to the foundation.Secretary-General Bae said, "The public is also inquiring a lot about how to donate to the foundation," adding, "We expect to finalize the contract as soon as possible as the help of citizens who care about and love former President Kim continues."The controversy over former President Kim's private residence erupted in July when Kim sold his house for 10 billion won. The buyer, Park, is a general public who runs a coffee franchise near Donggyo-dong. Concerns have erupted in opposition parties, including the Democratic Party of Korea. As the controversy continued, former lawmaker Kim said last month that he and Park agreed to use his private residence in Donggyo-dong as a private memorial hall to honor the life and achievements of former President Kim.However, some Donggyo-dong officials expressed dissatisfaction with former lawmaker Kim. An official said on the phone, "Former lawmaker Kim did not show sincerity in the process of the Kim Dae-jung Foundation's purchase of his private residence again."카지노토끼 ( CER45.COM ) 카지노토끼 주소 도메인 해변 전경과 즐기러 카지노토끼 카지노토끼 ( CER45.COM ) 카지노토끼 주소 도메인 해변 전경과 즐기러 카지노토끼 카지노토끼 ( CER45.COM ) 카지노토끼 주소 도메인 해변 전경과 즐기러 카지노토끼 카지노토끼 ( CER45.COM ) 카지노토끼 주소 도메인 해변 전경과 즐기러 카지노토끼 카지노토끼 ( CER45.COM ) 카지노토끼 주소 도메인 해변 전경과 즐기러 카지노토끼 카지노토끼 ( CER45.COM ) 카지노토끼 주소 도메인 해변 전경과 즐기러 카지노토끼 카지노토끼 ( CER45.COM ) 카지노토끼 주소 도메인 해변 전경과 즐기러 카지노토끼 카지노토끼 ( CER45.COM ) 카지노토끼 주소 도메인 해변 전경과 즐기러 카지노토끼 카지노토끼 ( CER45.COM ) 카지노토끼 주소 도메인 해변 전경과 즐기러 카지노토끼 카지노토끼 ( CER45.COM ) 카지노토끼 주소 도메인 해변 전경과 즐기러 카지노토끼카지노토끼 ( CER45.COM ) 카지노토끼 주소 도메인 해변 전경과 즐기러 카지노토끼 카지노토끼 ( CER45.COM ) 카지노토끼 주소 도메인 해변 전경과 즐기러 카지노토끼 카지노토끼 ( CER45.COM ) 카지노토끼 주소 도메인 해변 전경과 즐기러 카지노토끼 카지노토끼 ( CER45.COM ) 카지노토끼 주소 도메인 해변 전경과 즐기러 카지노토끼 카지노토끼 ( CER45.COM ) 카지노토끼 주소 도메인 해변 전경과 즐기러 카지노토끼 카지노토끼 ( CER45.COM ) 카지노토끼 주소 도메인 해변 전경과 즐기러 카지노토끼 카지노토끼 ( CER45.COM ) 카지노토끼 주소 도메인 해변 전경과 즐기러 카지노토끼 카지노토끼 ( CER45.COM ) 카지노토끼 주소 도메인 해변 전경과 즐기러 카지노토끼 카지노토끼 ( CER45.COM ) 카지노토끼 주소 도메인 해변 전경과 즐기러 카지노토끼 카지노토끼 ( CER45.COM ) 카지노토끼 주소 도메인 해변 전경과 즐기러 카지노토끼


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