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즐백쇼 즐백쇼 즐백쇼 즐백쇼 즐백쇼

페이지 정보

작성자 승리함성 작성일24-09-10 02:13 조회19회 댓글0건


접속링크 ☞ 즐백쇼

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An official from the presidential office told reporters on the same day, "We make it clear that it is practically difficult and impossible to suspend the number of medical schools in 2025," and added, "The Ministry of Education has already announced that the postponement is impossible because occasional applications for (loans) have already begun from today, and it could cause confusion in college admission." The official said, "I would like to reiterate that we will discuss the size of medical schools after 2026 at zero base and with an open mind, regardless of numbers, if the medical community comes up with a reasonable opinion with scientific grounds." The government will push for a revision of the Fair Trade Act in a way that prevents foul play by giant platform operators and responds quickly to illegal acts. It will give a stronger burden of proof corresponding to the influence of the dominant platform, and raise the upper limit of fines from the previous one. However, it has decided not to create a separate platform law that was previously pursued. Park Sang-woo, Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, said on the 9th that policy loans such as stepping stones, beech, and newborn loans are not the direct cause of raising housing prices, and that there will be no reduction in the number of policy loans. "Although policy funds have increased, it is difficult to say that policy loans are the direct cause (of the rise in housing prices) given the houses that can be bought with policy funds and the current price range of houses in popular areas," Minister Park said at a press conference held at the Sejong Government Complex. "Would a person who doesn't intend to buy a house really buy a house just because the government gives him cheap interest?" Minister Park said. "The policy funds are likely to be unstable in the supply and demand of housing, and it is not easy to get a lease on a deposit basis due to the problem, so we gave effective means to those who decided to buy a house at this time." In August, when the all-time heatwave continued, electricity prices for housing were announced to rise by 13% on average. KEPCO said on the 9th that the average use of electricity per household in August was 363kWh (kilowatt-hour), up 9% from the same month last year. As a result, the average electricity bill for housing in August is 63,610 won, up 13% (7,520 won) from last year. Labor and opposition parties are discussing the introduction of a "four-day week system" to reduce working hours. While labor and others argue that a quick legislative discussion is needed to reduce working hours and realize work-life balance through it, management opposes it, citing concerns such as a decrease in competitiveness. At the National Assembly on the 9th, 14 opposition lawmakers, including Rep. Lee Hak-young of the Democratic Party of Korea, hosted a discussion session on what to do with the four-day week, organized by the labor and civil society groups "Network," the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, and the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions. The presidential office criticized the so-called "Kim Gun-hee Special Prosecutor Act," which passed the bill review subcommittee of the National Assembly's Legislation and Judiciary Committee alone on the 9th, saying, "The public must be tired now that it has been reissued with more controversial provisions than the previously discarded bill." An official from the presidential office met with reporters at the presidential office in Yongsan later in the day and pointed out, "It is a bill that has gotten worse while raising the bill that was discarded last time." On whether to exercise the right to request reconsideration when Kim's special prosecution law passes the National Assembly, the official said, "We have to wait and see the situation of the National Assembly a little longer," but pointed out the problems of the bill.


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